Attention - Nonsense crossing!
Nonsense, depends on how you understand this following free flow of my mind ;-) I wrote the main part of this story in my diary which I took with me on my ride across the sea to the US. So, here on this website it is the right place to put something generous about that one-and-only Dadaism movement and, corresponding to that, about the finding of dadadisko.
So let’s have a look at this artistic melting pot out of European artists who founded the Art of Dada in the 1920's. On the right side, you'll find a quite good documentary about those visionary mind drifters who really and literally made themselves the Dadaists and leaded the art-scene towards with an astonishing interpretation of art itself.
Despite the fact that some members and founders of the DADA movement were communistic orientated in those times of the "Golden 20's" - I think, exactly NOW it is the right time to remember this movement which had have such a cultural uniqueness in those times while it was politically so engaged standing tall with full courage against political and social circumstances of the 1920’s which are obviously more than similar to present times.
Therefore, I am personally convinced that today, it would be even more important to get involved and to get active against actual social circumstances and tendencies in the world. It would be more important to be driven by such “dadaistic” social responsibility, political integrity and encouragement in this current society, where we are all living in today.
Apparently, this dadaistic view of life, culture, society and humanity is for sure the influence which leads to my nickname dadadisko. After my little journey to the USA in springtime of 2008 I went pregnant by so much irritating experiences I made in that so-called “country of unlimited possibilities”. Consequently, I finally gave birth to dadadisko.
Some called it Dada.
Yes - Some of you might probably ask yourself about how dadadisko came into such things like 9/11, The New World Order, truth & lies in politics and the corporate media and apparently even a few society-criticizing things more. Is he mad or just a lonely conspiracy-dude? Is he nuts?
So... let me just tell you quickly a few words about my background and this last straw which broke the camel’s back and leads me to recreate myself as dadadisko, which is an internet-artist with a new interpretation of the internet – the interpretation as a kind of a nonstop sending or pulsing data-flow or stream which touches everyone’s connection to the net every now and then ;-) This stream with its vast scope of stored lose information has an influence on user’s minds and behavior – wanted or subliminal... BUT:
This stream also affects me in a daily routine and I recognized that this stream could also be recorded and its elements could be assembled in a new artistic way with a new coherent artistic meaning. These elements like words, graphics or videos could be arranged in a new Dadaistic way of sense-giving or sense-stealing combinations where it is only you who determines what art is and what is worth a view. So I picked up things during my journey through the endless data-stream and digested them to put them here on this page in a certain combination and in a common artistic meaning.
Nowadays I am often catching myself getting up early in the morning, when I was used to come home not long ago... Now, the time is passing by while I am drinking tea instead of beer, smoking rather less than more, smiling about the beauty of nature instead of being power-stoned by pots and blunts and ... just started loving myself for what I am. So, one could probably say that I am sorting out the recyclable garbage-stuff. And this is particular that time, when at least a person like me could get the idea of giving something back to his surroundings in an environmental meaning, take over responsibility and standing tall by its opinion.
Unfortunately, I am a marketing creative within his crazy 30's after I just survived my 2nd burnout-syndrome. However it is in this artificial colorful and meaningless butterfinger-heaven with granted Bingo-features and powerful sex-driven wilderness - I simply took this unique little red pill! Yes, I’m talking about this white-rabbit-matrix-shit that seems not to be en-vogue anymore or at least a little absent right now... but hey... this medicine really exists – and it works! Yes, who the f*ck had ever expected a SciFi-born little red pill to be real, but its effects were more than real for me... So what was this pill? For me personally, this pill was my study of marketing and I am sure this pill can have many forms. It can be built differently for every one of you, you or you... Somehow this little red pills is only a physical appearance for that which opens one’s eyes. And for every one of us it takes something different that lets us see the unmask truth.
Somehow, I suppose that I am having still a kind of likeliness for the lethargy of life. How else could it be that it took so long for me to open up my eyes and see clearly what’s going on in real life? Maybe, it always needs a final straw which breaks the camel’s back. So, it was this trip to the USA with great targets in New York at the spring of 2008. Targets - yes, always these targets: Marketing-targets, sales-targets, image-targets... all of us are probably aware of those little stressy friends called targets. Anyhow, I was traveling to New York with a lot open expectations of new inspiring things in the coolest continent of the world... America, I’m coming - Yeah*!*
-BREAK- I really would love to have dinner with you* Honey, I ever dreamed about this kitchen-aid and by the way... what are Pamela and Paris doing right now? Mister Al Jankowitch had have a serious cause to name himself weird, hadn't he? Of course there is also a big danger out there in the USA... to get lost in your dumbness while consuming goods and being just a good citizen. Hey Folks, I always destroyed my sisters Barbie-house with my Big-Jims & Johns... oh fuck, nowadays kids at the age of 8 probably might discuss if there are gay are not - what do you think? ;-) -BREAK-
Okay, on with this America-trip to make it short: (sorry for my absent - or better "highsent" – sometimes, but my thoughts are unchained right in this moment, when I am beginning to report about my “lovely” New York experience.
Sooo... I dropped at the Kennedy-Airport which might be known by some of you... And I can ensure you that I really thought I would be happy enjoying my first contact ever in this foreign country with cool original Amäääääricän people within this airport-building. But my first contact went in another direction somehow ;-)
Unfortunately, this exspected overwhelming welcome-celebration and it wasn't me who makes a never ending story out of it... Honestly, a man in the mid 30's knows to appreciate a chilling time at the hotel after an 8 hour-flight. But what keeps me away from the friendly guy behind the front-desk at the lobby was this very very brave American crowd which could't wait to get a little closer to me, immediately after we saw each other for the first time behind the gangways. Oh, bright shiny people I thought from a few meter in front. And by coming closer their eyes were apparently so happy to see me arriving that they just took me and cuddled me from both sides... ooooh, the ugly manly rude tight dresses they had. I was immediately exposed to the obvious bad taste in clothing: Full Metall Jacket came up into my mind... but in how could that be in sunny springtime in the middle of a civilian airport, where families are flying into their holidays? "Isn't that a little unusual?"
While I stil was busy to answer that question for myself, these charming boys couldn't wait to lead me somewhere sideways from the normal check-in for arrivals. Wow! My mood and expectations changed at this point of time because it seemed to me like a special V.I.P-treatment extra for me ;-) Or was it just a normal V.I.P-status for such funky-international-pony-on-application-trip-in-great-unknown-NY - like me??? But one of these friendly American inhabitans in tight manly uniform ended up my shiny mood very quickly when he opens up his squared mouth in a little harsh and serious way! That way, I unexpectedly got used to the American way of hospitality: "Your martial status? Single?" And I answered simply "Yes" but that wasn't apparently enough for the guy: "You are speaking with Sergant xxx and this demands from you to answer either with yes or no but always paying respect by saying yes sir!" "So- you're on a vacation-trip to NY?" "And I really answered automatically like I was told before with "Yes, sir." (What one should know about the US is that nobody is allowed to move into US in order to have an assessment-day or whatthefuckkever in concerns of a job or so).
So I was standing beside myself staring at this strange situation: I stood in front of a little squared table and was answering silly questions about... simply everything! And I thought a business-suite provides a kind of sovereignty – Bullshit! There I was, tolerating these strange maniacs in uniform. For both of them, my suites probably created rather more an image of the soooo cool Johnny Depp in "Blow", aaaiight? ;-) So 45 minutes went by with that question-answer-game till they started with exercise plan-B: Apparently, they remembered that it might be a good idea to search my whole luggage meanwhile they took fingerprints. But then - and now, this story becomes really scary - they guided me to a strange little corner where I should lay my cheek down into a small white box which appeared like a little modern tool of an optician. "Hey thanks guys but I do not need glasses thanks for taking care." - I was joking a little flapsy but my new close friends were still as friendly as straight forward and so serious. "This is the Retina-Scan, please relax and look straight ahead!" It sounded nearly as friendly as a care-taking nurse but the tonality of this serious male voice left no space for comparable kitschy imaginations. Still flapsy, and apparently unaware of the American integrity, I quickly let my thoughts out: "Hey sorry guys, I am simply Sascha - a hotel and a few friends are waiting for me in NY-City. So please, do me a favor and stop this madness please. We as Germans passed those ridiculously paranoid times more than 60 years ago." ...sounded me while looking straight ahead with a smiling in my face... But still in the mid 30's I am obviously still not able to calculate very serious situations... Oh man, where is the peaceful rastaman who chills down every heat with love? Haha, there’s no way for a chilling atmosphere with these officials. And now I can ensure that there is also a plan C after plan B had no effect on strangers like me! Still at the Kennedy-Airport and nearly two hours later now, my little Joke earned its seeds and they decided to give me the chance to experience the real American hospitality... ripped till my socks and underwear! So, what happened then in paranoid America...? I will tell you next time... see you later...
Cheers, Dadadisko
Nonsense, depends on how you understand this following free flow of my mind ;-) I wrote the main part of this story in my diary which I took with me on my ride across the sea to the US. So, here on this website it is the right place to put something generous about that one-and-only Dadaism movement and, corresponding to that, about the finding of dadadisko.
So let’s have a look at this artistic melting pot out of European artists who founded the Art of Dada in the 1920's. On the right side, you'll find a quite good documentary about those visionary mind drifters who really and literally made themselves the Dadaists and leaded the art-scene towards with an astonishing interpretation of art itself.
Despite the fact that some members and founders of the DADA movement were communistic orientated in those times of the "Golden 20's" - I think, exactly NOW it is the right time to remember this movement which had have such a cultural uniqueness in those times while it was politically so engaged standing tall with full courage against political and social circumstances of the 1920’s which are obviously more than similar to present times.
Therefore, I am personally convinced that today, it would be even more important to get involved and to get active against actual social circumstances and tendencies in the world. It would be more important to be driven by such “dadaistic” social responsibility, political integrity and encouragement in this current society, where we are all living in today.
Apparently, this dadaistic view of life, culture, society and humanity is for sure the influence which leads to my nickname dadadisko. After my little journey to the USA in springtime of 2008 I went pregnant by so much irritating experiences I made in that so-called “country of unlimited possibilities”. Consequently, I finally gave birth to dadadisko.
Some called it Dada.
Yes - Some of you might probably ask yourself about how dadadisko came into such things like 9/11, The New World Order, truth & lies in politics and the corporate media and apparently even a few society-criticizing things more. Is he mad or just a lonely conspiracy-dude? Is he nuts?
So... let me just tell you quickly a few words about my background and this last straw which broke the camel’s back and leads me to recreate myself as dadadisko, which is an internet-artist with a new interpretation of the internet – the interpretation as a kind of a nonstop sending or pulsing data-flow or stream which touches everyone’s connection to the net every now and then ;-) This stream with its vast scope of stored lose information has an influence on user’s minds and behavior – wanted or subliminal... BUT:
This stream also affects me in a daily routine and I recognized that this stream could also be recorded and its elements could be assembled in a new artistic way with a new coherent artistic meaning. These elements like words, graphics or videos could be arranged in a new Dadaistic way of sense-giving or sense-stealing combinations where it is only you who determines what art is and what is worth a view. So I picked up things during my journey through the endless data-stream and digested them to put them here on this page in a certain combination and in a common artistic meaning.
Nowadays I am often catching myself getting up early in the morning, when I was used to come home not long ago... Now, the time is passing by while I am drinking tea instead of beer, smoking rather less than more, smiling about the beauty of nature instead of being power-stoned by pots and blunts and ... just started loving myself for what I am. So, one could probably say that I am sorting out the recyclable garbage-stuff. And this is particular that time, when at least a person like me could get the idea of giving something back to his surroundings in an environmental meaning, take over responsibility and standing tall by its opinion.
Unfortunately, I am a marketing creative within his crazy 30's after I just survived my 2nd burnout-syndrome. However it is in this artificial colorful and meaningless butterfinger-heaven with granted Bingo-features and powerful sex-driven wilderness - I simply took this unique little red pill! Yes, I’m talking about this white-rabbit-matrix-shit that seems not to be en-vogue anymore or at least a little absent right now... but hey... this medicine really exists – and it works! Yes, who the f*ck had ever expected a SciFi-born little red pill to be real, but its effects were more than real for me... So what was this pill? For me personally, this pill was my study of marketing and I am sure this pill can have many forms. It can be built differently for every one of you, you or you... Somehow this little red pills is only a physical appearance for that which opens one’s eyes. And for every one of us it takes something different that lets us see the unmask truth.
Somehow, I suppose that I am having still a kind of likeliness for the lethargy of life. How else could it be that it took so long for me to open up my eyes and see clearly what’s going on in real life? Maybe, it always needs a final straw which breaks the camel’s back. So, it was this trip to the USA with great targets in New York at the spring of 2008. Targets - yes, always these targets: Marketing-targets, sales-targets, image-targets... all of us are probably aware of those little stressy friends called targets. Anyhow, I was traveling to New York with a lot open expectations of new inspiring things in the coolest continent of the world... America, I’m coming - Yeah*!*
-BREAK- I really would love to have dinner with you* Honey, I ever dreamed about this kitchen-aid and by the way... what are Pamela and Paris doing right now? Mister Al Jankowitch had have a serious cause to name himself weird, hadn't he? Of course there is also a big danger out there in the USA... to get lost in your dumbness while consuming goods and being just a good citizen. Hey Folks, I always destroyed my sisters Barbie-house with my Big-Jims & Johns... oh fuck, nowadays kids at the age of 8 probably might discuss if there are gay are not - what do you think? ;-) -BREAK-
Okay, on with this America-trip to make it short: (sorry for my absent - or better "highsent" – sometimes, but my thoughts are unchained right in this moment, when I am beginning to report about my “lovely” New York experience.
Sooo... I dropped at the Kennedy-Airport which might be known by some of you... And I can ensure you that I really thought I would be happy enjoying my first contact ever in this foreign country with cool original Amäääääricän people within this airport-building. But my first contact went in another direction somehow ;-)
Unfortunately, this exspected overwhelming welcome-celebration and it wasn't me who makes a never ending story out of it... Honestly, a man in the mid 30's knows to appreciate a chilling time at the hotel after an 8 hour-flight. But what keeps me away from the friendly guy behind the front-desk at the lobby was this very very brave American crowd which could't wait to get a little closer to me, immediately after we saw each other for the first time behind the gangways. Oh, bright shiny people I thought from a few meter in front. And by coming closer their eyes were apparently so happy to see me arriving that they just took me and cuddled me from both sides... ooooh, the ugly manly rude tight dresses they had. I was immediately exposed to the obvious bad taste in clothing: Full Metall Jacket came up into my mind... but in how could that be in sunny springtime in the middle of a civilian airport, where families are flying into their holidays? "Isn't that a little unusual?"
While I stil was busy to answer that question for myself, these charming boys couldn't wait to lead me somewhere sideways from the normal check-in for arrivals. Wow! My mood and expectations changed at this point of time because it seemed to me like a special V.I.P-treatment extra for me ;-) Or was it just a normal V.I.P-status for such funky-international-pony-on-application-trip-in-great-unknown-NY - like me??? But one of these friendly American inhabitans in tight manly uniform ended up my shiny mood very quickly when he opens up his squared mouth in a little harsh and serious way! That way, I unexpectedly got used to the American way of hospitality: "Your martial status? Single?" And I answered simply "Yes" but that wasn't apparently enough for the guy: "You are speaking with Sergant xxx and this demands from you to answer either with yes or no but always paying respect by saying yes sir!" "So- you're on a vacation-trip to NY?" "And I really answered automatically like I was told before with "Yes, sir." (What one should know about the US is that nobody is allowed to move into US in order to have an assessment-day or whatthefuckkever in concerns of a job or so).
So I was standing beside myself staring at this strange situation: I stood in front of a little squared table and was answering silly questions about... simply everything! And I thought a business-suite provides a kind of sovereignty – Bullshit! There I was, tolerating these strange maniacs in uniform. For both of them, my suites probably created rather more an image of the soooo cool Johnny Depp in "Blow", aaaiight? ;-) So 45 minutes went by with that question-answer-game till they started with exercise plan-B: Apparently, they remembered that it might be a good idea to search my whole luggage meanwhile they took fingerprints. But then - and now, this story becomes really scary - they guided me to a strange little corner where I should lay my cheek down into a small white box which appeared like a little modern tool of an optician. "Hey thanks guys but I do not need glasses thanks for taking care." - I was joking a little flapsy but my new close friends were still as friendly as straight forward and so serious. "This is the Retina-Scan, please relax and look straight ahead!" It sounded nearly as friendly as a care-taking nurse but the tonality of this serious male voice left no space for comparable kitschy imaginations. Still flapsy, and apparently unaware of the American integrity, I quickly let my thoughts out: "Hey sorry guys, I am simply Sascha - a hotel and a few friends are waiting for me in NY-City. So please, do me a favor and stop this madness please. We as Germans passed those ridiculously paranoid times more than 60 years ago." ...sounded me while looking straight ahead with a smiling in my face... But still in the mid 30's I am obviously still not able to calculate very serious situations... Oh man, where is the peaceful rastaman who chills down every heat with love? Haha, there’s no way for a chilling atmosphere with these officials. And now I can ensure that there is also a plan C after plan B had no effect on strangers like me! Still at the Kennedy-Airport and nearly two hours later now, my little Joke earned its seeds and they decided to give me the chance to experience the real American hospitality... ripped till my socks and underwear! So, what happened then in paranoid America...? I will tell you next time... see you later...
Cheers, Dadadisko