AngryTV I

The manufactoring of meaningful audiovisuell content continues. Let's face our mass madness of society in the globalized and always terrorized world. Controling the media is one of the main targets in order to control a society...

So, you can be sure that...
Television IS NOT the TRUTH!

Let's get a glimpse on the lies, terror and crazyness of corporations, marketing, media, public relations as well as the monetary system and their threat for democracy at all. How the power of corporations and only a few elites is conrtolling the public opinion! We think, that we live in a free democratic society... Instead, we are brainwashed modern slaves of capitalism and forced to be always on the run for more and more consumtion and shitty money.


Ihr lernt das, was Ihr wissen dürft, und nicht das, was Ihr nicht wissen solltet. Ganz einfach!


Eine Liebeserklärung

Michael Moors's Geschichte über den Raubtier-Kapitalismus und seine Folgen, sowie die Geschichte über die Politiker, die ihn uns allen als Lebensmodell aufgedrückt haben.


Let's Make Money!

If one movie can ingnitiate a revolution, then this one! Extreme shocking, genious, impressing and breathtaking documentary. A MERCYLESS PAYCHECK FOR THE NEO-LIBERALISM.

International Language - FRsubs

Let's Make Money! - Deutsche Version

97% Owned - The Economic Truth documentary

This is evidence on our economic and financial system. This is the first documentary to tackle this issue from a UK-perspective and explains the inner workings of Central Banks and the Money creation process.


Four Horsemen - Die 4 Reiter der Apokalypse

Stunning award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works.


The Four Horsemen - English version

Der Geist des Geldes
Die Macht der Wenigen

Geld macht sexy. Geld bedeutet Macht. Geld ist Religion. Unser Zahlungsmittel oder eine Bedrohung für Unsere Demokratie?


In Debt we Trust
USA - Reich auf Pump

Die USA und das fatale Geschäft mit Krediten -English

The Corporation

Created and produced by a non-profit project, this awardwinning documentary is about the strange comparsion between a human individual and corporizations according to symptomes of disorders and misbehaviors ;-)

English + Dt. untertitel

Der Fall Coca Cola
The Coca Cola Case

Das Coca Cola nicht nur zuckersüß ist, zeigt dieser endrückliche Film über Blut, Tränen und Limonade. Abfüllfabriken in Kolumbien, Guatemala und der Türkei, in denen die Menschenrechte mit Füßen getreten werden, mutmaßliche Kidnappings, Folter und Ermordungen von Gewerkschaftsführern.


The Coca Cola Case - English Version

Advertising & the Human Ego

Truth about advertising! This is simply the best and most honest documentary about advertising and it's massive influence on our all lifes. It#s about how these advertising-capitalism literally works in our brains and how advertising is raping our mind based on psychology and knowledge about the normal human needs and behaviors. Watch it and see, how corporations and products catch our souls! Important movie, again and again censured and deleted - google for it... or order the DVD.



Watch it! It's simply the best movie ever about the crazyness and bitterness of the mediamadness! Based on the famous book from B. Begbedère.


The Chech Dream - Cesky Sen

Der Tschechische Traum

How to delude the people with all marketing tricks...
Very rare and cooool documentary made by two art students.

Wie man mit der Story von einem Super-Super-Markt und mit den Mitteln der heutigen Psychologie und Marketingmanipulationen die Menschen verarschen kann. Sehr seltene und bitter-komische Doku!

Cechsky Language - French Subtitles =>
Use Youbtube or goggle to find better translation! Works!


The famous movie "from 1976

An awesome movie out of the 70's about the mind-controlling media and the bitter truth of it's business. Since those 70ties, there is no more free press left...


South Of The Border

Oliver Stone makes a road trip across five countries to explore the social and political movements as well as the mainstream media's misperception of South America while interviewing seven of its elected presidents.

English original: South Of The Border - English Version

The 4th World War

This documentary is a very intense movie and a real piece of artwork. From the front-lines of conflicts in Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Palestine, Korea, and the North; from Seattle to Genova, and the War on Terror in New York, Afghanistan, and Iraq, The Fourth World War is the story of men and women around the world who resist being annihilated in this war.

The War on Democracy

A documentary by John Pilger about interests behind politics and media.

English + Dt. Untertitel

Revolution will not be televised
German + English

A documentary by John Pilger about truth and lies of US polititians with goe-political interests and it's results in South America. How the CIA tryed to overthrow the Government of Hugo Chavez. Same pattern like in Egypt, Tunesia, Lybia... and who knows... Syria is next? The German Version is censored by several minutes... why? ;-)


And here is the official English Version
... which is uncutted and not censored like in Germany!